Building with Blocks

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May 20, 2020 Update

Since the Block Editor is relatively new, things change all the time. On May 18, 2020, the developers behind GeneratePress released a block plugin called GenerateBlocks. I’ve been playing with it while it was in alpha and beta.

Their philosophy in developing this block plugin is exactly what I wanted in a block plugin — a few basic blocks which are highly customizable. GenerateBlocks only has four blocks: Container, Grid, Headline, and Button. These basic blocks are easy to combine and the plugin offers fine-grained controls over every aspect of the blocks. For each block, you have the ability to have different settings for desktop, mobile, and tablet.

My new stack for layout is: GeneratePress Premium (affiliate link) plus GenerateBlocks plus WP Show Posts (also by the GeneratePress developers). I also have Editorskit, a free plugin which adds additional controls to the native WordPress blocks. This combination is everything I need, and is lightweight compared to using a page builder. It is what I will be using on all my sites going forward, and as time allows I will work my way through existing posts to update them with these tools.

January 28, 2020 Presentation

On January 28, 2020, I gave this presentation at the WordPress Orlando Meetup. I was the second of two speakers. The first speaker gave an overview of Block Editor basics, so I focused on Block Plugins. This presentation was not recorded.

February 20, 2020 Presentation

On February 20, 2020 I gave this presentation at the WordPress West Orlando Meetup. I was the only speaker, so I did cover some of the basics of the block editor. This presentation was recorded. I’ve embedded the YouTube video below.